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2 Translation results for wind in Spanish

noun | verb

wind noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
viento; vuelta; aliento; recodo, curva; flatulencia, ventosidad

Example sentences of
wind noun

  • There isn't much wind today.

Synonyms of
wind noun

wind verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wound, has wound, is winding, winds
dejar sin aliento; envolver, enrollar; serpentear; hacer girar

Detailed synonyms for wind verb

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Phrasal verbs for wind

  • wind up - terminar, acabar, concluir
  • wind down - (figurado) desinflarse, quedar sin energía, perder potencia

Related phrases for wind

Reverse translation for wind

viento  - wind 
vuelta  - turn, circle, revolution, flip, turn, bend, curve, return, round, lap (in sports or games) 
aliento  - breath, courage, strength 
recodo  - bend 
curva  - curve, bend 
ventosidad  - wind, flatulence 
envolver  - to wrap, to envelop, to surround, to entangle, to involve 
enrollar  - to roll up, to coil 
serpentear  - to twist, to wind